East Kilbride / Megatron Lightmeter Model S5.11, UK Man. 1984
I came upon this unit by accident when I was browsing the net. I was unaware that either Megatron or East Kilbride had continued any of Weston's meter designs beyond the EuroMaster series. Knowing now of this remanufacture by the East Kilbride factory, it is possible that other models of meter originating from Weston, were also made.
The meter has a small instruction manual printed from Megatron who vended this meter in 1993. There is a certificate of calibration with the unit - a very valuable document in itself - that clarifies this. An inspection of the back of the unit however has the East Kilbride stamping on the metal plate that recommends optimum workplace illumination levels. So it was made in East Kilbride prior to 1984 and then transferred as an asset to be checked and sold by Megatron in 1993.