Other useful Sites for the Collector
Please find some listings for other useful sites for the existing or aspiring light meter collector. I have visited all of these sites and used them for reference when building my own site. These sites are not in any order of priority.
Westonmeter.org This is a vital resource for the Weston Light Meter collector. Lots of good advice about collecting and includes Lester Pfeffer's Chronology which gives production information for virtually every Weston Light Meter Model made.
James Ollinger's Light Meter Collection This is an eclectic and very wide-ranging collection of light meters of all types from different manufacturers. A substantial number of Westons are listed and James has many pages of additional information and advice about collecting and using all types.
The Weston Master Family: Douglas Kerr A useful downloadable PDF detailing the Weston Master family. Lots of vital technical information about the individual details of the various 'Masters'.
Ian Partridge: Weston Master Repairs and Refurbishment Ian will repair and fully refurbish the Weston Masters: IV, V and Euromaster - replacing the old Selenium cell and using original factory parts.
The Photographic Collector's Club of Great Britain If you are a collector of any type of old photographic equipment, especially cameras, then you cannot afford not to be a member of this club. I am a member.
Weston Exposure Meter Manuals & Documents PDF copies of original manuals for a wide range of Weston meters from early days up to the Japanese XM2. Mike Butkus hosts a very valuable reference site and resource for the Weston collector.
Nature & Travel 3D An excellent site created by a friend of mine from the Stereoscopic Society. Plenty of stereo pairs for viewing and lots of useful information about Stereo Photography.